Student Accommodation
Hostel Facility
The College provides a separate Hostel facility for Boys and Girls, which has an accommodation capacity of25 seats for Boys and 25 for girls. The mess facility is provided in both Girls and Boys Hostels separately.
Girls Hostel Information
Limited students accommodation is available. Students will be sharing twin sharing of rooms .
Hostel Admission
Administrator will be the head of the Hostel. He / She will control the overall working.
The students seeking admissions in Hostel should submit their application form to the Administrator within prescribed time.
While taking admission in Hostel the students should remember the following procedure He / she should fill the specific application form carefully.
Meet the concerned in charge in the college for his / her signature.
Immediately pay cash by challan in the Bank.
Students should keep the challan receipt carefully; otherwise he / she will have difficulty in claiming the refund of the deposit.
Girls Hostel Single or Double seated rooms will be charged more.
Hostel Admission form will not be received without the signature of the Administrator
When the student gets admission in Hostel, he / she must reach the allotted room, otherwise his / her admission will be cancelled and the amount paid will be forfeited.
General Discipline in Hostel
Students are not allowed to change electric tube lights in their rooms. They will not use electric supply for using appliances like hot plate, electric irons, extra fans, coolers, heaters, etc.
Students are expected to use electricity properly. They should take care to switch off the lights when they are not in their rooms. Otherwise they would be punished. Rooms will be allotted to students on the first opening day of the college. They should check up the furniture, lights, fans and other amenities in the room.
The student is responsible to take care of everything in his/her room, provided to him/her by the Hostel authority. Any damage caused will be recovered from the students. Students should take almost care to see that no damage is caused to the Hostel property, building, furniture, electric and sanitary fittings and any other equipment’s in the Hostel premises.
The cost of loss caused will be recovered from the deposit amount of the concerned student. If hostilities have damaged the Hostel property intentionally, they are held liable for disciplinary action and fine. Sometimes more than one student will bear the common fine.
The Administrator has reserved his/her rights to do necessary changes in the allotment of the rooms during the year according to the strength of the students.
Each Host elite should have his/her own bedding, bed sheet, blanket, pillow, net, bucket, water pot or cool keg with him/her.
Each student will be provided a cot, table, chair, cupboard by the college authority.
No student is allowed to keep his/her own private servant with him/her.
Hostel premises is meant for communal living residence and study, so no friends, unauthorized guests, relatives are permitted to live with Hostilities.
The students are advised not to keep any valuable articles or cash money in their rooms, if they do so it will be entirely at their own risk. Hostel authorities will not be responsible for any loss of such things.
Students should keep with them minimum amount of money, for daily needs. Extra amount should be kept in the bank.
Students in Hostel should better not do any mutual exchange of money.
The functions, get-together ceremonies, meetings, celebrations of any sort will not take place in Hostel premises without the prior permission of the administrator and Principal.
Notices, Hoardings, Advertisements are strictly prohibited on the Hostel walls.
Consuming alcoholic drinks, Gambling and any immoral activity is strictly prohibited in the Hostel and college premises.
Strict disciplinary action will take against those who found ragging the student mentally or physically.