Grace International Academy as an Institution believes that a better society is possible only if there is a space for the less privileged to access higher education.. Higher education is increasingly being seen as the fortress of the rich. And in order to address the issue Institution provides fee concession and full fees waiver to meritorious students. Institution also will work closely with philanthropists who will participate in sponsoring students who are meritorious but economically back ward.
Students who require these scholarships need to apply in prescribed form to the office with relevant documents at the time of taking admission.
The office will scrutinize the documents and after verification, will recommend the selected names to the management. Management will decide on the type and percentage of fee concession to be given. In addition to the scholarships which are given by the college, there are following scholarships given by various other agencies. College is recognized by Human resources development ministry of the central government to get these scholarships.
Mathrushree scholarship — Yashodhamma Narayanappa and Usha Srikumar This scholarship is given to a student from academically brilliant but economically weak background.The entire tuition fees for the three years is covered under the scholarship.This scholarship is instituted by Dr.N.Janardhan and Mrs. Meena Janardhan in the name of their mother’s- Mrs. Yashodhamma Narayanappa and Mrs. Usha Sreekumar respectively.
Mr. M. A. Mathew memorial Scholarship (Instituted by Dr. Seema Mathew in the name of her father)
Given for a meritorious student from a financially difficult back groundDr. Molly Mathew memorial scholarship (Instituted by Dr. Soban Mathew in the name of his mother)
Given for a academically promising girl student from a rural area for graduate studies.- Kerala State Higher Education Council Scholarship (HECS)
Eligibility: First year degree students of Science, Humanities, Social Science, Business Studies. Qualifying marks in previous examination: For SC/ST 45% in Science and 40% in other subjects. For others 50% in Science and 45% in other subjects. Scholarship Amount: For UG Rs. 12000 for first year ; Rs.18,000 for second year (1st Renewal); and Rs. 24,000 per year (2nd Renewal) for final year; PostGraduation (for continuing education) – Rs. 40,000 for first year (3rd renewal) and Rs. 60,000 for second year (4th renewal).
Website Click Here - State Merit Scholarship (SMS)
Eligibility: applicant should have scored 50% or above in the qualifying exam and should be first year student of UG or PG. Annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not exceed Rs. 1lakh. Scholarship Amount: For UG Rs. 1250 per annum for 3 years. For PG Rs. 1500 per annum for 2 years.
http://www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in - Muslim Nadar Girls Scholarship (MNS)
Eligibility: Should be first year girl student of UG and should belong to Forward of BPL family and Backward Community. Annual income of the parent/guardian should not exceed Rs. 18,000 per annum. Scholarship Amount: For UG Rs. 125 per annum for 3 years.
http://www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in - Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship (SJMS)
Eligibility: should be first year students of UG or PG. should belong to BPL family. Should have scored 50% or above in the qualifying examination. Scholarship Amount: For UG and PG Rs. 10000 per annum or 3 years and 2 years respectively
.http://www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in - Kerala University Merit Scholarship
Eligibility: Meritorius students of UG & PG, who scored not less than 60% marks in the qualifying examination. Students enjoying any other scholarship are not eligible.Scholarship amount: for UG students Rs. 2500/- per annum for 3 years & for P.G. students Rs. 3,000/- per annum for 2 years
http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/ - VIDYASAMUNNATHI Scholarship
The UG & PG students of economically backward forward communities will get educational scholarships and competitive assistance for their studies. Award: Scholarship will be given to Undergraduate (Rs. 5000/- per year & post graduate students (Rs. 6000/- per year) Can apply as fresh in all academic years. No renewals.
http://samunnathi.com/vidyasamunnathi - Post Metric Scholarship (PMS)
Eligibility: Students belonging to economically weaker sections of minority community (Muslims & Christians). 50% or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs. Scholarship Amount: Rs. 3000 per annum for UG and PG students and maintannce allowance of Rs. 570/- per month for Hosteller &Rs. 300/- per month for Day Scholar.
Website: https://scholarships.gov.in/
- Central Sector Scholarship (CSS) :
Eligibility: applicant should have passed the Senior School Certificate Examination conducted by CBSE and have secured the total aggregate marks (in first five subjects) equal or above the following minimum marks as per the stream opted by the applicant. Science: 418, Commerce: 396, Others: 332 (For all categories: SC/ST/OBC/UR). Annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not exceed Rs. 4.50 lakhs. Scholarship Amount: For UG 1000/- per month. For PG Rs. 2000 per month.
Website: https://scholarships.gov.in/
- Post Metric Scholarships for Students with Disabilities (PMSD)
Eligibility: The Scholarships are to provide financial assistance to the parents of students with disabilities for studying in post-matric level. The financial assistance includes scholarship, book grant, escort/reader allowance, etc. Selection of the beneficiaries under these two scholarship schemes is on the basis of merit.
Website: https://scholarships.gov.in/
E-grantz is a web based solution for the timely disbursement of educational assistance to all eligible students of UG, PG and PhD level, which is independent to availing other eligible scholarships.
Website: https://www.egrantz.kerala.gov.in/
- Educational concession to the students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Eligible Communities including Kudumbies and Converts
Award: For Degree students lump-sum grant Rs. 950. Stipend : Rs. 600/- per month for students who come from places beyond the distance of 8 km. and Rs.530 per month for students who live within 8 km. PG students – lump-sum grant Rs. 675, stipend as above. All students eligible for concession should apply in the prescribed forms with necessary documents within one month of their admission to the college.
- Educational concession to Socially and Educationally Backward Communities under KPCR
Award : Full fee concession for Degree students. Full fee concession, lump-sum grant and stipend for P.G. Students.Income limit: Rs. 25,000/- per annum (Degree) Rs. 42,000/- per annum (P.G.) Applications are to be submitted within two months from the date of admission.
- Educational Concession to the Forward Communities under KPCR
Award: Full fee concession for Degree and P.G. students. Income limit: Rs. 25,000/- per annum (Degree). Rs. 42,000/- per annum (PG)
- Grants for FISHERMAN’s Child (Fisherman Scholarship)
Award: Rs. 400- per annum – Subject to the date of enrollment.
Eligibility: Students of all classes belonging to fishermen community irrespective of income limit. The application forms are available at the office of the Regional Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kollam..
Website: http://www.egrantzfisheries.kerala.gov.in/